Tape face guy
Tape face guy

tape face guy

I'd suggest arriving 45 minutes or so early. It's very intimate and I've always had a great seat. Overall, I just really love the whole vibe in the room. There's also a bar in the back of the room for those interested in buying drinks. Make sure you head back they're to check it out and pick up some of the reasonably priced merch. And one of the neatest things in the House of Tape is the merch area decked out floor to ceiling with tons of incredible fan art. The light fixtures overhead have tape stripes on them. The chairs all have the Tape Face logo taped onto them, which is a nice touch that I appreciate. Inside the room, the lights are dark and moody and weird (yet great) music plays before the show. The entrance queue and hallway are all decked out with black and white tape that was all done by hand.

tape face guy

The House of Tape itself is a really cool place. And he chooses people from ALL over the room, not just the front or aisles, he frequently goes to the very back then works forward to find the right person. So just be prepared if you do get picked and have fun with it! The more fun you have with TF on stage, the better you look. He never tries to make anyone look bad, so you don't have to worry about being embarrassed and you can't see the crowd through the lights. I've seen a couple people that refused to go up when he picked them and I guess everyone has their own reasons, but I would say to anyone unsure about going up if he picks you to just go along with it. The experience of being on stage didn't really feel like being in a show or intimidating in any way, it was just like I was playing with Tape Face. I've even been brought up on stage myself! It's really fun and entirely surreal. Every person that gets pulled up on stage interacts with Tape Face differently, bringing a new life to the routine. Every single time the show has been hilarious, and while it's the same material, each show is different. I've now seen it a total of 5 times in 11 months with both Sam and T2.

Tape face guy full#

So naturally I was eagerly awaiting my opportunity to see the full show live. Like many people going to the show, I was immediately a massive fan of Tape Face when he first showed up on AGT. Your organization better get honest with people about what you are selling. I don't want to see a female Tape Face or a different ethnicity of Tape Face.I want to see the performer who was advertised on the website and the promotional material!! The real Tape Face is off touring the country and Japan (which incidentally I could have seen for far cheaper a few weeks ago right here in Fort Lauderdale but I flew to Vegas to see an imposter. We are paying to see a specific performer (and don't give me this business that Tape Face is a concept that is constantly evolving blah blah blah). (albeit a pretty good one but still!) I can't imagine any other show in Vegas pulling this crap! I went to see Criss Angel the next night and I guarantee you that was Criss Angel! I feel like we deserve to be informed when buying the tickets. His eyes and nose were not the ones I've seen on TV!! This was NOT Sam Wills! While he was very funny and did a comparable job, I have to say I really feel duped!! I paid $100 per ticket to sit in the VIP section and it was an imposter. My husband and I were super excited to see Tape Face as we loved him on AGT! We went to the show his past Friday night and the moment he came out I knew something was different. Best of all when I brought it to the attention of the box office people I was told to fill out a comment card and that they couldn’t offer any type of refund because, and I quote “you already watched the show.” I would expect this from a shady off the strip type of venue, but Harrah’s? Get your people in check! Side note for AGT fans, it’s the real Piff, the real Matt Franco, and the real Terry Fator. The guy my daughter thinks she just saw live from the front row, the guy who has a stunt double telling his jokes (so to speak). and they are far more famous than the guy my 8 year old thinks the world of. I could have paid $100 per person to see someone pretend to be Elvis, The Beatles, the Rat Pack, etc.

tape face guy

No one was allowed to take pictures with him.well of course not, because the hoax would spread like wildfire and people would stop going. If that is the case then why are there only promotional pictures of Sam Willis as Tape Face? You cleverly say things like “Danny Zuko from Grease is a character that anyone can play” in an attempt to hide behind your false advertisement of who is actually performing as Tape Face. and not about who is playing the “character”. I just spent $600 to watch a person dress up and pretend to be Tape Face! I’ve seen the awful response from the PR people that Tape Face is a feeling, it’s about being blah blah blah.

Tape face guy